Senior Financial Analyst
Minneapolis, minnesota
12 - 18+ month Contract Project Role | Hybrid, Minneapolis, MN
$70 - $85 /hour W2 Pay Rate
Ourly is looking for an interim talented Sr. Financial Analyst for a contract role in Minneapolis. The consultant will be responsible for partnering with key business stakeholders and proactively provide value-added analysis/financial support. Regular interaction with key business stakeholders to understand the business model, current market dynamics and operations to make recommendations to achieve established actions plans, drive efficient growth and change. The ideal candidate should have strong skills in Hyperion/OneStream/Anaplan/BI and Microsoft Excel. The ideal candidate has also experience collaborating on teams and loves the power of flexible work!
We are not a job aggregator, we do not post roles that aren't real, we are not recruiting to buckets or posting "ghost" jobs. Seeing a job posting from Ourly? It's a real active contract project role....