Screen Printing
Tidewater Team Sports
Newport News, virginia
Job Details
Full Job Description
Job is screen printing t-shirts, and various apparel. No experience necessary, will train. But will accept applicant with prior knowledge or experience. The applicant will be required to help with getting deliveries off of UPS and vendor tucks. The applicant will also need to be able to read work orders and decifer the information to apply to the various jobs. The applicant will be responsible for keeping their area neat and organized, and will be asked to help with shop clean up peiodically.
Must be in fairly good physical condition. Be able to lift and move moderate heavy boxes. Applicant must be willing to work and have transportation to and from work. Good attitude and the willingness to work and learn.
Salary range is determined by the applicants knowledge and experience. They will work 41/2 day work week, Mon-Fri No weekend work unless absolutely necessary.