Part Time Instructor - Data Science (US)
Interview Kickstart
Who are we, you ask?
Interviews can be hard, especially at top tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Netflix. Many candidates fall short simply because they aren’t adequately prepared. That’s where we come in. Our acclaimed courses specialize in interview preparation and transitioning into high-demand tech fields such as AI, ML, and Data Science. At Interview Kickstart, current and former hiring managers have guided over 17,000 tech professionals through transformative career journeys, ensuring their success in landing coveted positions. Think of us as “the everything store” for career transitions and interview skill development.
How do we do that, you ask?
We have a structured approach to interview success, which includes:
- Career Accelerator Course
- Comprehensive end-to-end courses and platform
- A roster of over 600+ instructors from leading Silicon Valley companies like...