HTML5 Creative Production & Solution Innovation
ResponsiveAds, Inc.
New York, new york
ResponsiveAds™ is an advanced creative ad technology suite making it fast and easy to resize highly engaging media responsive display ads that outperform the standard IAB engagement by 20x. The company offers a combination of self-serve studio product (SaaS), 3rd party fluid 1-tag ad serving, and a full-service rich-media creative development offering for both direct-sold and programmatic campaigns.
Marketers can maximize creativity without the pain of massively resizing zillions of sizes and variants. The output is an engaging single fluid master creative, especially suited for mobile, called Fully-Fluid™. Fully-Fluid creatives are dynamically delivered HTML5 assets that can be deployed as a one-ad-tag to fit any ad slot (max-width) on any screen. Designers can build out Fully-Fluid master creatives that instantly export HTML5 Zip packages in any size.
Publishers looking for advanced ad solutions can deploy edge-to-edge premium creative formats yielding 10x...