Digital Organizing Lead
Extreme Weather Survivors
Extreme Weather Survivors (EWS) is a national network that connects people impacted by
extreme weather disasters like floods, wildfires and related air pollution, superstorms, drought,
and extreme heat. We provide trauma-informed support, peer-to-peer disaster recovery training,
and advocate to keep these disasters from devastating more families. EWS supports extreme
weather survivor participation in media, in town halls, on social media and with policymakers to
be storytellers and change makers in the fight to slow climate change.
Social movements throughout history—from gun violence prevention to marriage
equality—show that mobilizing and centering the voices of directly impacted people is the most
impactful way to create mass movements, shift public narratives and spark policy change. We
know which stories can move mountains; our task is to ensure they are heard.
EWS is a 501(c)(3) and...